Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Old Gray Mare

"The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be", the folk song says. Well, that is certainly true for the Yesterukes but in a good way. It has been almost three years since we started the band. If you are a regular reader, you've followed our progress as a group. But there have been many individual changes, too.

The person who said, "I'll come to practice only if you promise I won't EVER have to play in public" has been leading the group for several performances while the regular leader is absent for a while.

A gentleman who came to us as a fairly new player is now teaching a class, helping others learn to play ukulele.

Our rhythm player had never played any musical instrument before and now keeps a steady beat for the band on a multitude of rhythm instruments.

Our vocal soloist is taking drum lessons. Everyone in our group has a story.

So, yes..."we ain't what we used to be." We're better.

The Old Gray Mare, Traditional

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