Thursday, October 9, 2014

Memories Are Made Of This

Today's gig involved no huge covered dish dinner. There was no standing ovation. It was a very small audience. But we played our hearts out at The Haven, a memory care facility.

These are the gigs that are a little harder for us. The audience reacts very little. You have to trust that somewhere down deep the music resonates. And, then it happens.

We see a flicker of a smile. A head raises. A finger taps a rhythm. And there was the one sweet lady who sang every song along with us. The person who was there visiting with her told us that she couldn't tell you the day of the week, or what she ate for lunch. But the music she remembered.

Let's all hope that we are so full of songs that we will never forget them should we forget other things. And we hope that someone might come bring the music to us if we find ourselves on the audience side of the room.

Memories Are Made Of This, Dean Martin, 1956

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