Friday, November 12, 2010

Here, There And Everywhere

"Did you see that lady with the gray hair?", one of the Yesterukes asked as we were packing up after the program.   We all laughed because at the places we play, nearly everyone has gray hair!  But she was commenting on one beautiful lady who looked much younger than the many years of her actual age.  We meet so many lovely people everywhere we go and Overbrook Baptist Church was no exception.

After our program we were invited to join these good folks for a wonderful lunch.  They asked that we not all sit together, but spread out among the tables so that they could get to know us better.  Southern hospitality at it's best!

They were most interested in how we started, how we operated and were eager to share their own stories about the songs we played.  "I'll be honest," one man commented.  "Some of those songs just brought tears to my eyes."  Another gentleman remarked, "That boy could really sing, couldn't he?" as a table of men talked about listening to Sixteen Tons.  We like it anytime someone calls us "boy" or "girl."  

Here, There And Everywhere, The Beatles, 1966

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1 comment:

  1. I particularly enjoyed rewriting the lyrics to the doggie song and being heckeled by my own group!!!!!
