Friday, December 18, 2009

Silent Night

Yes, our ukuleles will be silent for a while and we'll take a rest from our blog for a few weeks while we rest and re-energize. All of the YesterUkes wish our readers the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of holidays.

But let us leave you with a story from yesterday's program, the final performance of 2009...

As some of our players arrived at the church, they discovered the fellowship hall was located down the hill from the main building. Some in our band have an assortment of bad knees and ailing hips (kind of goes with the age group). They unloaded their instruments and hobbled down the hill. As they were making their way to the wonderfully decorated hall, a couple of church members watched their approach with some concern. But a quick-witted Yesteruke, noting the raised eyebrows, told them, "Don't worry. We play better than we walk!"

Merry Christmas, ya'll! See you in 2010.

Silent Night, Gruber & Mohr, 1818


  1. LOVE the picture on this it on a card? or a t-shirt?

  2. It was our Christmas card this year. Glad you liked it!
