Sunday, December 14, 2008

There's A Song In The Air

The YesterUkes continue to spread Christmas cheer as the holiday rapidly approaches. Two programs in one week kept them quite busy. They led a songfest for the seniors of First Baptist Church in Greenville early in the week. This program was filled with unexpected surprises. First was a visit from Santa who arrived to the strains of "Here Comes Santa Claus." After his quick visit, the YesterUkes continued with their program. Then, as if on cue, just as the YesterUkes began to sing "Sleigh Ride", a sleigh-shaped buggy filled with toddlers from the nursery across the hall was wheeled in to let the children listen to the music. Those little ones stayed long enough to hear a couple of songs, including the perennial favorite, "Jingle Bells." Then the ukulele players joined church members for lunch and enjoyed some of the best chicken pie ever.

Red sweaters, red shirts, red vests....folks in holiday attire filled all 100 seats at the Ray Hopkins Senior Center. Their annual Christmas dinner was held on Friday. After lunch, the YesterUkes sang and played for one of their largest audiences ever. Everyone enjoyed singing Christmas favorites. And the ladies loved it when"Elvis" appeared to sing his version of "Blue Christmas!" Several couples danced to the lively music as the band played. It was quite a party. After the program had ended you could hear people humming and whistling as they gathered their coats to leave. Happy sounds, happy one of the most happy places!

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