Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Together

How good it was to be back together today! We took a month off for a much needed rest, but everyone was more than ready to start back. It was a full workout today as we tackled a new set list and a couple of new songs. 

The music sounded better than ever. It's funny how some songs that seemed impossible just come together when the time is right. Not sure how other ukulele bands do it, but we work pretty hard at our practices. Perfection is never the goal (having fun is always at the top of our list,) but we do try to make our programs as good as we can. 

Edna brought a prescription from her doctor that says it is okay for her to play with our band. We think it is more than okay--it is good for her health to be with us!

Practice is over for today, 
but we will be back together next week.

Happy Together, The Turtles, 1967

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